В отличие от трудоемких и отнимающих много времени традиционных методов «мокрой химии», измерения с помощью ионселективных и газочувствительных электродов МЕТТЛЕР ТОЛЕДО позволяют определить концентрацию ионов и газов в растворе быстро и просто.
Комбинированные ионселективные электроды perfectION™ разработаны для высокоточных измерений и удобной работы. Благодаря системе сравнения Click and Clear™ (Очистка одним нажатием) гарантированы стабильные показания даже в вязких и концентрированных образцах, а замена электролита проводится чрезвычайно легко.
METTLER TOLEDO offers one of the most comprehensive ISE portfolios in the market, covering 19 ion species and 3 gases. The robust design, the easy maintenance and long lifetime make them ideal for any user and almost any application.
perfectION™ ion selective combination electrodes guarantee top precision and easy handling. Thanks to the Click and Clear™ reference junction stable, drift-free readings, even in dirty or viscous samples, are assured. In addition, replacing or refilling the electrolyte has never been so easy. DX series ion selective half-cells consist of two elements: a universal shaft and an ion-specific membrane module. This module may be exchanged allowing you to measure the ion of your choice. Just order the membrane kit specific for that ion, mount the new module onto the shaft of your ISE half-cell, and you have a new ISE!
The METTLER TOLEDO ISE offering includes all solutions you need to measure ion concentration: dedicated electrolytes in handy sized bottles, high precision ion calibration standards and ionic strength adjustment solutions. Comprehensive user guides as well as application notes guide you through the system setup and analysis, even for the most challenging of applications.
In combination to the electrodes, METTLER TOLEDO offers easy to use portable ion meters as well as bench-top meters with the full ion functionality. The comfort of SevenGo Duo pro™ and SevenMulti™ is unbeaten till today.